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ABC Data Sheet:

Antecedent * Behavior * Consequence* Data Sheet

Every behavior has a function or serves a specific purpose for that individual. Many times people who have difficulties communicating learn inappropriate ways to get their needs met. Before we make any changes we have to understand why that person is engaging in a specific behavior.

The ABC Data Sheet:

  • Functions as an assessment tool
  • Helps identify patterns of behavior
  • Clearly identifies what is maintaining the problem behavior


Identify what are the problem / target behaviors:

  • First you have to define the problem behavior clearly.
  • State what the behavior looks like
  • Anyone who reads the definition should be able to determine if they observed a target behavior


What are Antecedents?

  • An antecedent is anything that occurs before the target behavior
  • Look to identify what happened immediately before the person engaged in the target behavior
    • Did someone give an instruction to the person?
    • Did the person ask for some food / item and the DSP said no?
    • Did a DSP leave the area where the person was sitting?


What are Consequences?

  • A consequence is anything that occurs after the target behavior
  • Look to identify what happened immediately after the person engaged in the target behavior
    • Did the DSP terminate/stop the instruction?
    • Did the DSP give food / item to the person?
    • Did the DSP say “stop” or “no”?

Tyler Burke

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